
Originator: Jim Stewart, Fly: Alberto Jimeno, Photographs: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Mustad 3366 size 2
Thread: orange 3/0 for tail, white flat-waxed nylon for body, yellow 3/0 for whip finish
Tail: orange buck tail under yellow buck tail. On top of the buck tail tie a few strands of gold Flashabou and on top of the Flashabou, a few strands of pearl Krystal Flash
Legs: grizzly dyed orange saddle feathers, one on each side, curving out
Hackle: orange marabou, tied in by the tip and wrapped up the shank
Collar: yellow deer hair tips from head
Body: yellow deer body hair with a spot of darker deer hair near the front of the fly
Eyes: red plastic

Note: The dark spot between the eyes is used to make sure the fly is floating right side up after it lands. If you can see the spot it is, if not, a sharp tug will flip it over.

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© 2002 Hans Weilenmann
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