Skipper Bug

Originator: Larry Dahlberg, Fly: Alberto Jimeno, Photographs: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: 4X long, straight eye streamer hook, bent 30? just back of mid-shank
Thread: red 3/0 for tail, red flat waxed nylon for head Tail: white craft fur
Tail: white craft fur
Legs: grizzly dyed red saddle feathers, 2 on each side, curving out
Hackle: white marabou, tied in by the tip and wrapped up the shank
Collar: red deer hair tips from the head (only on the top)
Head: red deer hair stacked over white deer hair
Eyes: yellow plastic

Note: With the hook pointing up, this fly is almost weedless and very easy to work over the top of lily pads. The original Dalhberg pattern is tied to imitate a frog.

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