Japanese Beetle (floating)

Fly: Harrison Steeves,Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: #12 standard dry fly hook
Thread: olive
Shellback: copper colored swiss straw
Body: closed cell foam cut into 1/8 in. wide strip
Underbody: peacock herl
Wing: 1/8 in. flat ribbon- #850 Kreinik (mallard color)

Tying instructions:

  1. Wrap thread down shank of hook. Tie in swiss straw at back. Wrap thread forwards about 2/3 of shank. Tie in foam, then wrap the foam back to the bend of the hook. Tie in the herl right in front of the last wrap on the foam. Wrap thread forward.

  2. Wrap the herl and tie off. Fold the foam forward-over the hook eye. Tie in about 1/16 back from eye, trim even with front of hook eye. Tie in the winging material at the junction where the foam is tied down.

  3. Tie in wing material, as long as body. Fold the swiss straw down between the wings, tie it down trim even with foam.

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