Hydropsyche Pupa

Fly: Harald Weidler, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Kamasan #10-12
Bead: Tungsten, gold or copper plated
Thread: UNI 6/0 brown
Underbody: Led wire, fine
Rib: Flexi Floss, green
Shellback: 4 dark pheasant fibers
Abdomen: Caddis green dubbing
Hackle: 2-3 turns emu feather
Thorax: Seal dubbing, rusty brown
Note: Fish take the nymph in dead drift as well when you let it rise up with the current. Another variation of this nymph is the Caperer Pupa, when you tie the abdomen with orange dubbing.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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