Shaggy Dragon

Shaggy Dragon (olive)
Shaggy Dragon (orange)
Flies: Ian Forbes, Photographs: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Mustad 9671 #6 or #8 (or similar)
Thread: Color to match body
Eyes: Lead eyes or bead chain or foam tubing. Painted with nail polish.
Tail: Dyed Chickabou (Plymouth Rock chicken) dyed with Kool-Aid drink crystals 50/50
Body: Same as tail and tied in clump style around and up the hook, a few pieces at a time.
Hackle: Guinea fowl dyed to match body color
Tying notes: Fly pattern can be tied with various shades of dyed Chickabou. Eyes vary depending on depth of water and line being fished.

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© 2004 Hans Weilenmann
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