My name is Jeff Henkemeyer. I live in Minnesota where I work at Bentley’s Outfitters, a local fly shop here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. On top of that I have just finished a Masters degree in education.
I have been guiding and fishing in the Midwest for the last 7 years. I have also worked for Greater Yellowstone Flyfishers in Bozeman, Montana, guiding on the side in Southwest Montana and Yellowstone National Park, spending equal time at my vice in the process. I have also taught fly tying classes and done a little commercial tying. Having spent a lot of time is such areas as the Northern Rockies and the Midwest, I try to combine a little of both in every thing that I tie.
Fly tying is my ultimate passion! I love working with foam, but enjoy tying a variety of flies, especially for trout.
Watching a fish eat your own creation is the biggest rush in the world. Tying gives us a chance to think a little more like the fish. The more we analyze the diet of any fish that we pursue, the more we learn about them.
Fly tying is an art that can never truly be mastered. Every time we tie, discuss or watch other tiers we learn. It is a fantastic exploration that never ends.
Please feel free to contact me by email
Keep it simple,