Backcountry Brunch

Fly: Jax Murray, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Kamasan B.830 sizes 10 to 8
Thread: Black
Tail: Elk Hair
Body hackle: Brown Whiting cock
Body: Yellow Sparkle Yarn
Wing: Natural Elk Hair. Or deer Hair Tinted Olive
Hackle: Brown Whiting cock

Tying instructions:

  1. Wrap thread from bend to eye.

  2. Tie in a bunch of Elk Hair points first and secure to shank in tight close turns to start of bend. A good splay of the tail fibres is desired. Then clip to protrude about ¼ inch beyond bend.

  3. Tie in Body Hackle Butt first. Dull side facing toward the eye.

  4. Dub thread with Sparkle Yarn. Teased out and clipped to give suitable length fibres for dubbing. [1/4 to 3/8 In. long] and build the body. Not too fat.

  5. Palmer the Body Hackle. Four or Five turns.

  6. Tie in Elk Hair Wing. Leave enough space for head hackle and head. Splay elk Hair to give a Delta wing effect. Do not allow wing to extend more than 1/8In beyond the Tail. Try to keep the wing as near to flat over the body as you can.

  7. Tie Head Hackle in Butt first in front of wing dull side toward the eye and wrap 4 to 6 turns

  8. This is one fly where a neat small head is not required so build up a good head then Whip finish.

  9. Clip underside of hackles slightly to give a flat landing area.

  10. Apply head Cement and pass an old hackle feather through the eye to clear any excess cement.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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