Tying instructions:
- Wrap hook shank from eye to start of bend with tying thread.
- Tie in wire rib.
- Dub back half of body. I use yellow Paxtons Nymph Dubbing.
- Dub front half of body with Red Seals Fur. Keep the body fairly slim.
- Tie in Possum skin wing strip at head. I like to keep the strip of possum only about 1/8 inch wide. Makes for a neater wing.
- Spiral the wire rib to just behind the eye securing the possum strip and avoid trapping too much of the fur with the wire as you go, and tie off.
- Use a dubbing needle to free any fur trapped by the wire, and comb the wing using a soft toothbrush. Makes the wing look good.
- Build a head and whip finish and apply head cement.
I find this Smelt pattern to be a good all -rounder and it serves me well. I fish it with a fast jerky retrieve to start with and if I get a follow or two Without getting a strike. I slow down a bit and add a few extra little jerks to the retrieve. Usually though the fast retrieve brings a smashing take and the fun is on. Even more exciting is when you see a Vee Bow Wave closing on your fly. Then trying to keep going and not slow down, takes a bit of doing. Experience has shown it is better to speed up on such occasions, and the hook Ups will follow. Browns seem to have as much liking for this colour formula, as do the Rainbows.