Western March Brown Pop Top Flymph

Fly: Jim Slattery, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Dry fly hook, #12
Thread: Orange
Hackle: Brown speckled Coq de Leon hen
Tail: Three cock pheasant tail fibers
Abdomen: Three mahogany red pheasant tail fibers twisted with orange thread
Thorax: Amber yellow dubbing blend with hint of pink spun in a Leisenring loop
Note: This fly should be tied as if you are tying a nymph in the back half and an emerger in the front half. Thread should be at the back of the thorax after tying in thorax. Wind hackle one turn in front of thorax , then one or two turns thru thorax and full turn at rear of thorax. Secure hackle with silk wind silk through thorax. Add small amount of dubbing for front of fly. Whip finish.

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