KCK (red, yellow butt)

Originator: Kelly Davison, Fly: Kelly Davison, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Mustad 9672 or TMC 5263 #6
Thread: Red
Thread: Uni-thread 6/0 Fire Orange
Tail: Red Hackle Fibers
Body: Plastic Chenille, rear 1/4 fluorescent yellow, front 3/4 fluorescent red
Collar: Red
Wing: Grey mallard flank
Overwing: 5 strands pearl Krystal Flash

Note: The KCK (Kelly's Coho Killer) series of patterns is highly effective for Coho Salmon throughout the season in both the fresh and salt water. Used extensively in the slack waters of the Harrison River and area sloughs, the fly is at its best with transparent, slow-sinking fly lines. These clear lines can be fished over the Coho without spooking them, even when the water is clear or the fish fresh in from the ocean Cast the fly over the lie, keeping the rod tip low to the water and allowing time for the fly to sink before retrieving with an erratic, foot-long strips. Keep the fly moving - Coho love to chase.

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