Mel’s Nautilus

Fly: Mark Libertone, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Mustad 9672 streamer or similar #12
Bead: 3/16” Gold Bead
Thread: gray
Tail: Guard hair from natural American rabbit
Rib: Pale yellow embroidery thread
Abdomen: Soft natural American rabbit
Wing cases: Two natural gray partridge hackle
Thorax: Soft natural American rabbit with guard hairs

Note: I created this fly using soft natural American rabbit fur to give it lifelike movement underwater. The fly itself is fairly large and well weighted for use in the early springtime. For early spring use, fish the fly deep, giving it ample time to sink. Fish the fly dead drift and as the line tightens as it drifts down river, retrieve it slowly using a hand twist method. Be prepared for some good takes.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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