Prawu Buck Caddis

Prawu Buck Caddis (side)
Prawu Buck Caddis (top)
Prawu Buck Caddis (bottom)
Fly: Marcus Ruoff, Photographs: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Dry Fly Hook size 12-18
Thread: To match body color
Hot butt (optional): The Blob!
Body: either Moufflon hair or dubbing of your choice
Downwing: Moufflon hair
Thorax/hackle: loop spun Moufflon hair
A Buck Caddis Wing Style Prawu fly that can be used submerged as an emerger or wetfly just as well. Floats quite well and has a nice non-distinctive look. Something to try out when other things fail.

Tying Notes:
See Prawu Dun but leave out the wing/sight post and ty in some Moufflon hairs as a wing Buck Caddis style. The head of the fly is built with Moufflon hair spun in a dubbing loop as with the Prawu Dun.

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