My Prince

Fly: Troy Allgood, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Standard dry fly
Thread: Black 6/0
Tail: Pheasant tail fibers
Body: Peacock herl, twisted with red wire
Wing case: Two white CDC feathers
Thorax: Peacock herl
Legs: Pheasant tail fibers

Note: I have to say that I can’t stand biots as wing cases or tails. They’re just too stiff. I’ve always liked the prince because of the peacock, but I had to do something different with the tails and wing buds, and this is it.

The method of twisting the herl with wire to make a durable body was shown to me by Mike Lawson, and it’s now become my favorite way of using peacock.

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© 2006 Hans Weilenmann
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