Agent 99 Caddis

Fly: Thomas C. Duncan, Sr., Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Scud hook, (Agent 99 Caddis was tied in #14. Size of the fly varies by hatch)
Thread: Rusty dun 8/0
Egg sac: Yellow or chartreuse dubbing
Body: Dark dun or brown dubbing
Wing: Deer hair over two CDC feathers
Hackle: Grizzly hackle

Pattern information

Vary the colours of the materials to imitate different Caddis hatches in your waters. The purpose of the deer hair is to keep the CDC down and make a base for the parachute-style hackle. Be sure to tie in the hackle first, splay the CDC feathers flat over the body, tie on the deer hair sparsely, then wind the hackle as the final step. The joint of the deer hair will give you a post around which to tie the parachute hackle.

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