Thierry Millot


I am French , I have 44 years old (December 2004), Two Daughters . I am flyfisherman since 1970.

I live in center of France , area call “ Massif central” very beautiful place situated between Lyon, Valence, Clermond ferrand . In this place we have around 10000 kms of wild rivers with Brown trouts and Graylings. This area is very natural and of course good place for gastronomy, wines and happiness “ A la Francaise”.

Since 1999, I am professional flyfishing guide in France, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Sweden, for these destinations I work with Planetflyfishing . I am writer for French flyfishing magazines and I create flies for Easyfly , French fly compagny.

My flies are not realistic , is flyforfish…ing , . Reading waters , approach and natural drift are more important !!!!

I love and respect our flyfishing and flytying world !! and of course catch & release everytime.

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