Grå Frede (Grey Fred)

Fly: Gerhardt Lund Andersen, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Streamer size 4-6
Thread: Matching body color
Eyes: Bead chain link
Tail: Grizzly feather tip with a few strands of crystal flash
Ribbing: Crystal flash or copper wire
Hackle: Grizzly hackle, palmered up to about ¼ left of the hook
Body: Dubbing made of the fluffy part of a grizzly feather. You can cut it into pieces, or blend it in and old coffee blender. It is important that the body gets a “fluffy” look.
Head: Same as body, thick and covering remainder of hook shank
Note: A real Seatrout killer…! It is the ultimate Saltwater fly in Denmark and Sweden too. You can see this fly in variety of colors such as red, green orange, black and you name it…! Just find the materials in matching colors.

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