Note: Flat-n-fine is attached to the shank in three bunches (top and bottom). First coloured unch is attached halfway down the shank, on top, tied down at the 3/5th point of the bunch, after randomizing the bunch a little. 3/5th pointing backwards, 2/5th pointing forward. Bend the forward pointing, shorter bunch backwards. Do the same with a white bunch on the bottom side. Tie in a next, shorter coloured bunch, on top, in the same way described above, then repeat with white on the underside. Tie a third, even shorter, coloured bunch on top, again in the same way, and repeat with white on the bottom. You should now have a nicely tapered fish body shape. Stick the eyes on the head and finish with 5-minute epoxy. Make some stripes on the coloured upper half of the flanks with a permanent felt marker.
Adding some dark blue or green flash material on top of the body will increase the lifelikeness of the fly.