Diamond Midge Braid Emerger

Fly: John Gordon, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Tiemco 900BL (size #20)
Thread: 8/0 Uni-thread. (Olive Dun)
Tail: Coq de Leon (Med. Pardo)
Abdomen: Olive silk dubbing
Thorax: Olive silk dubbing
Wing: Midge diamond braid (pearl)

Tying instructions
  1. Tie in Coq de Leon fibers for tail.

  2. Finely dub thread with Olive silk dubbing, wrap thread to half waypoint.

  3. Tie in midge diamond braid (pearl).

  4. Dub a thorax. Make this a condensed round shape.

  5. Pull diamond midge braid over thorax and wrap twice at this point you can adjust the size of the wing by using a bodkin. Tie off the midge braid near hook eye.

  6. Whip finish and head cement.

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© 2008 Hans Weilenmann
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