
Fly: Jax Murray, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Hook: Kamasan. B.830. Size 6 to 10
Thread: Black
Tail: Bunch of Buff Colored Pheasant Rump Feathers
Body (optional): Brown Suede Chenille, Olive
Body and collar hackle: Furnace Saddle Hackle. Tinted Olive. (Note: The hackles must be a minimum 1 1/2 Times the hook gape)
Topping: Peacock Sword, 8 or 10 strands
Eyes (optional): Yellow

Tying instructions:

  1. Wrap hook shank from eye to start of bend with tying thread.

  2. Fold or roll three or four Pheasant Rump Feathers into a tight tube. The feathers. Are the scraggly buff feathers found on either side of the tail where the tail joins to the body Tie the rolled feathers in over the top of the hook shank with the Butt ends facing the eye. Stop approx 3/8” short of the eye trim excess and tie off. Leave a good length of fibers extending beyond the hook bend.

  3. Cut the tail fibres off 3/8” beyond bend. The fibres should finish looking like the bristles on a round paintbrush. Take thread back to bend.

  4. Tie in the Body Hackle. Butt first with the dull side facing the eye.

  5. Tie in the Body Chenille and wrap in tight close turns to approx 3/8 from eye and tie off.

  6. Palmer the body hackle and tie off.

  7. Tie in the Head Hackle Butt first with the dull side facing the eye and wrap back toward the bend Two or Three turns. Then wind the remainder back toward the eye in close tight turns and tie off.

  8. Tie in the Peacock Sword Topping Tie off. Build head and whip finish.

  9. Apply Head Cement and while still tacky. Paint on Yellow eyes. [Optional]

The Tagarti was developed with a short bobbed tail, to have an Up and Down Bobbing Action when retrieved at a medium to fast clip, rather than weaving from side to side as with a more traditional tail. It seems to work just fine and both Rainbows and Browns accept it with a certain amount of relish. It represents a Local Fresh Water Cray.

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© 2005 Hans Weilenmann
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